A few days ago, I was awake around midnight praying. My household was experiencing an obvious demonic assault from the enemy and I found myself combatting extreme heaviness. I began to worship God with singing and adoration. Suddenly, I heard the Lord say, “Break off the weariness of Winter.” As I began to do this through prayer, God showed me what this looked like in my life and the lives of others.
Winter is full of long, cold days that are often cloudy, sunless, and hazardous to navigate through. Many people begin to experience “cabin fever” and yearn for spring. There are many in the body of Christ, and throughout the nation that are experiencing an emotional trial that has mimicked the very characteristics of Winter. Many are dealing with loss, severe loneliness, defeat, depression and heaviness. You’re experiencing a “cabin fever” of sorts within your soul, and you feel as though Winter is never going to end. Some have been waiting for change, and you have yet to see it come to fruition. I want you to know that God is here.
Spring is coming and the intent of Satan, our adversary, is to entrap God’s precious people in a season of grief and disappointment. Winter is an important season and cannot be overlooked. For Spring to be full of life, we must allow Winter to freeze away the old roughage of the past season. Something must die for new life to come forth. God’s timing is crucial to our walk with Him, and the enemy will always do his best to get us out of God’s time. As I began to pray that night in my den, I began to declare that we would burst through into the season of Spring. With Christ, we can come through into new beginnings in power and strength, not weariness and defeat. I believe this is what Father God wants for us, dear ones. We must come out of agreement with Winter’s hold so that we can break through.
Matthew 11:30 says:
“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
God allowed His son to take on heaviness, grief, and weariness on the cross. He OVERCAME so that we can walk in strength with Him in our day to day lives.
After I prayed that night, I began to feel the heaviness lift off of me, and I felt an overwhelming excitement and anticipation for Spring. I felt the joy of the Lord come into my midst. My prayer for you is this: Allow God to remove your disappointments, your grief, and your anxiety. Let Him show you how He wants to heal you so that you can come into a new season in your life. Healing does not always pertain to the healing of the physical body; it is also about the soul and spirit. When our soul is sick, it affects our physical body as well. Proverbs 13:12 tells us:
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
Surround yourself with individuals who proclaim the goodness of God and hold you up until your strength returns. Be determined not to lay down and allow Winter to overtake you. Whatever it takes, move into Spring so that you may arise and LIVE.
Can you smell that? I can smell Spring. I can smell the aroma of LIFE abounding. The stench of dead bones and dreams is lifting and heaven's sweet fragrance is springing to life!